About Us

RDNNR is a privately owned property development and investment firm located in London. Our portfolio encompasses a varied selection of residential and commercial properties throughout the capital.

Contact Info

85 Great Portland Street London W 1W 7LT



Privacy Policy

At RDNNR, we are committed to working tirelessly towards maintaining our highly regarded and respected quality of service.

RDNNR (“We”) are further committed to ensuring that any of your Personal Data which we have with us is protected and respected always.

Our use of your personal information is governed by this Privacy Notice and any other documents referred to in it.

WHAT DOES THIS POLICY DO? This policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.

Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

RDNNR is a Data Controller for the personal information that it collects and uses about you and a Processor for some data referred to us by any Third Party who you would have allowed, or enabled to use your data for a lawful purpose relating to our services. We will always treat your personal information as confidential, and your personal information will only be shared with others in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

The Data Controller can be contacted at:

Data Protection Compliance, info@rdnnr.com

By visiting www.rdnnr.com, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy. The General Data Protection Regulations are to safeguard your personally identifiable information or personal data. This privacy notice will be regularly reviewed and updated.

We are committed to ensuring the privacy of our guests and will use the information you have provided to us in the process of booking a stay in our serviced apartments in accordance with this privacy policy. We will only collect information lawfully, and we will only process information lawfully.

This Privacy Notice explains:

  • What personal information is
  • How we collect your personal information
  • The types of personal information we collect
  • How we use your personal information
  • The legal basis for processing your personal information
  • How we share your personal information
  • How long we keep your personal information
  • How we keep your personal information secure
  • Overseas transfers of your personal information
  • Your rights in relation to your personal information
  • How to make complaints and how to contact us

If we need to change the way in which your personal information is used by us, this Privacy Notice will be updated and if the changes are significant, we will advise you.

WHAT IS PERSONAL INFORMATION? Personal information is any information that, on its own, identifies you, or can be put together with any other information, can identify you or tell us something about you. This could include information such as name, email address, other contact details, date of birth, bank account details, or any information about your needs or circumstances.

Some personal information is classified as “special” data under data protection legislation. This includes information relating to health, racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or political opinions, and sexual orientation. This information is more sensitive, and we need to have further justifications for collecting, storing, and using this type of personal information.

Any references to personal information in this privacy notice will include personal data, and where relevant, special categories of personal data.

Much of the personal information we process is information that you or someone acting on your behalf knowingly provides to us.

This Policy also applies to the personal information about you that we receive from a third party unless specifically covered by such third party’s privacy policy.

On this site, “RDNNR”, “our” and “we” each mean any permanent RDNNR Office or temporary location being used as such, in the United Kingdom, which collects and uses your information in the manner set out in this Privacy Notice.

HOW DO WE COLLECT PERSONAL INFORMATION? We may collect and process all or some of the following data about you when you contact us, enquire with us, or interact with us.

We collect information about you (which can include documents) through a variety of different methods, including from you directly and from third parties.

From you directly:

You may provide personal information and/or documents by:

  • Completing forms on our websites or other online platforms which ARE under our direct control or direct management
  • Completing forms on Signable (our online digital e-signature platform)
  • By communicating with us by post, phone, email, SMS text, WhatsApp, Messenger, or similar
  • By supplying documents through any of these methods

From third parties:

We may receive personal information and/or documents about you from various third parties such as (but not limited to):

  • Websites or other online platforms which are NOT under our direct control or direct management
  • Booking.com
  • Silverdoor
  • Anyone making the booking on your behalf (such as an employer or spouse)
  • Stripe
  • Worldpay


Some of the apartment buildings we operate in have CCTV which will record your image on entering and exiting the building.

INFORMATION YOU GIVE US: You may give us information about you by making a booking or filling in forms on our site www.rdnnr.com (“our site”) or by corresponding with us by phone, email, or otherwise. This includes information you provide when you search for a serviced apartment, book a serviced apartment on our site, and when you report a problem with our site. The information you give us at this point is likely to include your name, address, email address, and phone number, financial and credit card information, special requirements such as those relating to any disability or medical condition which may affect the chosen arrangements, and dietary restrictions (which may disclose your religious beliefs).

When you make a booking via our partner property management system – who then process this Data on our behalf, you can be assured that this is via a secure https:// connection, and any details provided are stored securely in the booking system. During this process, as a guest, you would create an account which you can log in to and see details of reservations, as well as your data which is held there. This can be edited by you, giving you control.

TYPES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION WE MAY COLLECT: The types of personal information that we may collect, receive, and process include:

  • Your name, gender, personal and work contact phone number(s) and email addresses, business title, date and place of birth, image, nationality, home address, and passport and visa information
  • Guest stay information, dates of arrival and departure, goods and services utilised, special requests made, observations about your service preferences, telephone numbers dialled, and faxes, texts, and telephone messages received (if applicable)
  • Your credit or debit card details, including billing address, and your bank account details
  • The name of your company if you are placing a business booking
  • Information, feedback, or content you transparently provide regarding your marketing preferences, in surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or promotional offers, or to our websites and those of third parties
  • In limited cases, information relating to the credit of customers (never without prior disclosure and authority)
  • Your vehicle registration number (where parking has been booked)
  • The names of other guests (if over 16 years of age)
  • Information about your accommodation requirements such as budget, length of stay, and accommodation type
  • Such other information as we deem necessary and as set out in our terms of business from time to time and/or as required under The Immigration (Hotel Records) Order 1972

When you wish to book an apartment with us, we will ask you for the following documents:

Such documents as we deem necessary and as set out in our terms of business from time to time [this may include (but is not limited to) a copy of your passport and/or other identity document and a photograph of both sides of your payment card (but with part of the long PAN number obscured)] and/or as required under The Immigration (Hotel Records) Order 1972.

Where we require a deposit from you and/or where you add extras to your booking, we may also collect the following information from you to process the payment:

  • Your payment card details (although we will NOT store this information after processing your payment via one of our payment platforms (such as but not limited to Sagepay or Worldpay))
  • Such other information as we may deem necessary.

The Immigration (Hotel Records) Order 1972 requires that we must collect the following information from guests:

  • Full name
  • Nationality

For all who are not British, Irish, or Commonwealth guests:

  • Passport number and place of issue (or other document which shows their identity and nationality)
  • Details of their next destination (including the address, if known) on or before departure


Subject to our right to collect payment card details as referred to above, your payment card details will normally be supplied by you directly to one of our payment platforms (such as but not limited to Stripe or Worldpay) via a secure payment link which we provide you.

Although we can access this information, we will NOT download or store this information outside of the payment platform.

Your payment card details will only be used as set out in our terms of business from time to time.


If you supply personal information and/or documents in connection with a failed and/or cancelled booking, we will retain that information as set out in this privacy policy.

INFORMATION WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU: With regard to each of your visits to our site, we may automatically collect the following information:

  • Technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform
  • Information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through, and from our site (including date and time); products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain